Ellen Lupton’s Thinking with Type is truly a must-have for anyone working with type! Not just designers, but writers, editors, and, I would argue, anyone designing/developing web sites and apps too. This book is so beautifully designed and aesthetically stunning that it is a joy to flip to each new page. As you can see my copy is filled with post-it notes. For such a small book it’s filled to the brim with useful information.

The book has a perfect balance of design tips, typography history, common mistakes, and typography exercises. It’s absolutely amazing. I’ve been trying to take ‘summary’ notes, but this book is so well edited that practically every page has something useful to note and close to no fluff. My notes are going to end up taking the same amount of pages as the book.

Thinking with Type is perfect for a cover to cover read or an on-hand typography guide. This is a resource that will live on my desk for the foreseeable future.

Typography is something I derive so much joy from and appreciate so much. I’m excited to see how new digital technologies, such as variable fonts, will open the door for better typography online (check out some cool variable fonts at www.recursive.design). I think there is so much more we can do to create a better user experience online. By combining new technologies and strong typography principles we can make the online world more readable, accessible, and visually engaging. If this is something y’all want me to write more about, let me know!

Find it on Amazon or wherever you buy your books, I also have an Amazon link here: https://amzn.to/3iXo5Fk

The next step in my typography journey is The Futur’s Typography 01 online course. It’s been on my wishlist forever. I’ve taken The Futur’s Lettering 01 course and it helped me build my skills tremendously. Definitely recommend.

Love to hear from y’all, until then,

Keep on creating!